Long Jokes PG60


A little elderly lady goes to the doctor because she has been having a problem.

She tells him "Doctor, lately I have been farting almost constantly. They don't bother me much because they don't smell or make noise, but it is still annoying. I've farted a hundred times since I got here, I bet you didn't know."

The doctor sends her home with some pills and she returns a week later. Angrily she tells him "Doctor! These pills you gave me have made my gas smell terrible. I don't want to take them anymore!"

The doctor smiles and replies "Great. Now that we have cleared your sinuses we can take care of that hearing problem."


In scary movies, people always get bitten in the neck. To me, that means they don’t even try to run. If a vampire gets close to me, I’m off and running away! When they find my body, the police will say, “Call The X-Files. This man has two holes in his butt, and no blood in his body.”



Some people you can’t shush in a movie theater. They’re talking and talking, everyone around them is shushing them, and they won’t shush. No one can shush them. They’re the unshushables.

-Jerry Seinfeld


I hate renting at Blockbuster, because I’m a single guy, and don’t feel comfortable with that five-day commitment. That’s Waaay too long. Renting a video should be like a one-night stand. You pick it up, take it home to a darkened room, and the next morning, you return it to where you found it.

-Joel Warshaw


When you’re moving your whole world becomes finding boxes. You become obsessed. You could be at a funeral, everyone’s crying, you’re looking at the casket. “That’s a nice box. It even has handles on it.”

-Jerry Seinfeld


I’m moving to Mars next Week. So, if you have any boxes . . .

-Steven Wright


I take music pretty seriously. This scar on my wrist, do you know what that’s from? I heard the Bee Gees were getting back together again.

-Denis Leary


I had a dream I was trapped in an elevator with Michael Bolton, Kenny G, and Yanni. And I had a gun with only one bullet.

-Dave Attell


I don’t understand the importance of the conductor. What the hell is this guy doing? Do you really need somebody waving a stick in front of your face to play the violin?

-Jerry Seinfeld


You might be a country music fan… if - you want to write country music, but you can’t think of any clean words that rhyme with truck.

-Brian Koffman


House music, “You’ve got to work it! You’ve got to push it!” I don’t gotta do anything. I don’t like being ordered around by my music. Take it down a notch.

-Dave Attell


We don’t have no real deep love songs no more, just songs that mean a lot in the ghetto,“ ’Cause I’m Your Daddy, You Can Page Me Anytime.”

-Cedric the Entertainer


Marilyn Manson was on tour with Courtney Love and it didn’t work out. Apparently, Courtney was scaring off all the Satan worshipers.

-Bill Maher


Somebody just gave me a shower radio. Thanks a lot. Do you really want music in the shower? I guess there’s no better place to dance than a slick surface next to a glass door.

-Jerry Seinfeld