Long Jokes PG114


1. You can't wash yours eyes with soap. 2. You can't count your hair. 3. You can't breath through your nose with your tongue out. 4. You just tried # 3. 6. When you did 3 you realized it was possible, but you looked like a dog when you did it. 7. You're smiling right now because you were fooled. 8. You skipped # 5. 9. You just checked to see if there was a 5. Add a comment if I got you!


Doctors are crooks. Why do you think they wear gloves? Not for sanitary reasons… fingerprints.

-Jackie Mason


Be suspicious of any doctor who tries to take your temperature with his finger.

-David Letterman


How come every time you go to the emergency room they got doctors from India there? I don’t want to put my life in the hands of any doctor who believes in reincarnation. Give me a good old-fashioned American doctor who’ll make sure you live to pay that bill.

-Glen Super


A Canadian psychologist is selling a video that teaches you how to test your dog’s IQ. Here ’s how it works: If you spend $12.99 for the video, your dog is smarter than you.

-Jay Leno


My friend George walked his dog, all at once. Walked him from Boston to Ft. Lauderdale, and said, “Now you’re done.”

-Steven Wright


Oh, that dog! All he does is piddle. He’s nothing but a fur-covered kidney that barks.

-Phyllis Diller


Dogs lead a nice life. You never see a dog with a wristwatch.

-George Carlin


Milk Bone dog biscuit commercials showed dogs being ashamed of their bad breath. Those were realistic. I think if my dog was concerned about his breath, he’d stop eating his own vomit.

-Drake Sather


Clinton’s pet Labrador, Buddy, is getting neutered. The dog will never have sex again. Overnight, they’ve turned Buddy from a Democrat into a Republican.

-Jay Leno


I have a Dachshund. It curses when it barks. Why? You would too if you were dragging your balls on the sidewalk.

-Billy Connolly


I have a dog that’s half pit-bull, half poodle. Not much of a guard dog, but a vicious gossip.

-Craig Shoemaker


I just bought a Chihuahua. It’s the dog for lazy people. You don’t have to walk it. Just hold it out the window and squeeze.

-Anthony Clark


They have dog food for constipated dogs. If your dog is constipated, why screw up a good thing? Stay indoors and let ’em bloat.

-David Letterman


I bought a dog for $500 and my friend says, “Give me $500 and I’ll shit on your carpet.”

-Ellen Cleghorne