Long Jokes PG113


A private is standing outside in the smoking area when he is approached by a young lieutenant, "Private, do you have change for a dollar?!"

The private replies, "I sure do pal."

The lieutenant yells back, "I am not your pal! You will address me as an officer and give me the respect I have earned maggot! Stand at attention and tell me again, do you have change for a dollar?"

The private, now standing perfectly erect says, "Sir, no sir!"


You never go to Denny’s, you end up there. Their slogan should be, “Hey, it’s late.” Some lady was complaining about her food there. That’s like complaining you went to a whorehouse and didn’t get loved.

-Warren Thomas


The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.

-George Carlin


I stopped for breakfast at the International House of Pancakes. As soon as you walk in the establishment, you catch the distinct, worldwide feel of the place. I was completely baffled by the complex menu. So I just had the flapjack du jour and my syrup steward helped me select a very dry maple that was busy but never precocious.

-Dennis Miller


Mexicans don’t even get into Taco Bell commercials… you’d think we’d at least have a shot at that shit. And their slogan was “Run for the Border.” Hey, white people, that’s racist. How would you like, “Denny’s has good crackers, for the cracker in you.”

-Carlos Mencia


It is a sad fact that 50 percent of marriages in this country end in divorce. But hey, the other half end in death. You could be one of the lucky ones!

-Richard Jeni


My wife and I had an amicable divorce. She lets me see my stuff on weekends. Last Sunday I took my sweaters to Disneyland.

-Craig Shoemaker


When I divorced I went through the various stages of grieving… anger, denial, and dancing around with my settlement check.

-Maura Kennedy


Our parents got divorced when we were kids and it was kind of cool. We got to go to divorce court with them. It was like a game show. My mom won the house and car. We were all excited. My dad got some luggage.

-Tom Arnold


Interns scare me. They’re too young. How can you have confidence in a doctor who has his rubber gloves pinned to his sleeves?

-Joan Rivers


I recently went to a new doctor and noticed he was located in something called the Professional Building. I felt better right away.

-George Carlin


I’ve got a doctor’s appointment on Monday. I’m not sick or anything. It’s just that I lost some weight, and I want someone to see me naked.

-Tracy Smith


I understand that the doctor had to spank me when I was born, but I really don’t see any reason he had to call me a whore.

-Sarah Silverman


I’ve been feeling kind of lousy for the past few weeks. I don’t want to go to the doctor because I just know what he’s gonna say: “Stop shooting heroin.” What a broken record that guy is.

-Drake Sather